Monthly Archives: May, 2020


Ethiopia Takes Currency Replacement Into Account To Curb Money Laundry

Ethiopia is one of the sixteen 'high-risk third countries' listed by the European Union (EU), who have strategic deficiencies in their national anti-money laundering...

Ethiopia Making Constitutional Interpretation: Prominent Politician Calls It ‘a Joke’

The Council of Constitutional Inquiry (CCI)  held a Televised discussion of legal experts last Saturday and Monday to decide over the fate of a...

Catch Taxi Assisting Those Serving the Community In a Fight Against Covid-19

The infection rate of the coronavirus has increased significantly in Ethiopia in recent days. As more infections are being reported, more health professionals, law...

Police Arrested People for Not Wearing Mask: Human Right Commission Urged Their Release

The police have arrested thousands of people in Addis Ababa for not wearing masks. According to the Addis Ababa Police Commission, 1,300 people detained...

Case study on Sudan’s Nonviolent Protests to Changing over 30 years Omar Al-Bashir Rule:

By Mohamed Muse            IntroductionNonviolent resistance by civilians employs the disciplined use of nonviolent methods.  With nonviolent direct action, the group or society takes...

Are GMOs the Answer to Ethiopia’s Food Crisis?

By Hiwote Bekele, MPH & Selam NicolaMay 06, 2020 Recently, Ethiopia reversed its two decade long anti-GMO stance and approved the commercialized cultivation of genetically...